There are many Java Cli processing libraries available. Some of the ones I am aware of are:
- Jakarta Commons Cli
- Dr. Matthias Laux
- TE-Code Command
- jargp
- jcmdline
- java-getopt
- dolphin getopt
- jargs
- jcommando
- jsap
- args4j
- DPML CLI (Jakarta Commons CLI2 fork
- Object Mentor CLI article (more about refactoring and TDD)
- parse-cmd
- cli-parser
- JOpt simple
- argparser
- clajr
- CmdLn
- naturalcli
- jcommander
- ritopt
- argot (scala)
- scopt (scala)
- optional (scala, multiple github forks)
- jargo (builder and query with generics)
Reviews, blog posts, etc
- Why does parsing arguments in Java SUCK so much?
- Command-Line Parsing Libraries for Java
- Boring stuff you have to implement
- Devx article on how to implement a library like this
- stackoverflow question
- another stackoverflow question
- and another stackoverflow question
- yet another stackoverflow question
- using jewelcli in scala
- Java library for parsing command-line parameters?
- RTT is a regression test tool for tree-structured repositories
- EPoS is a modular Software Framework for Phylogenetic analysis
- aladin-android
- Reactor Project - C statechart compiler
- A small Java program to create random graphs
- Evolutionary Vehicle Detector
- RefLens Evaluation Framework
- Curtain - Assembling large genomes from short read sequences
- Stardog - RDF database